Success is not rocket science. Often we already know what we should be doing in our business and for some reason seem to find ourselves unable to take the action that we know we need to take, in order to move forward. How many times a day, do we let ourselves become distracted by something? Facebook, Pinterest, laundry, tidying up, just when we know we want to be working on something significant. As someone who frequently works from home, I know you know what I mean.
Just when you have to do something uncomfortable like call a prospect, or follow up with a potential lead to a new opportunity, you find yourself doing something else… usually ANYTHING else!
This is part of the process, this is your fear showing up as resistance. Resistance is that icky-stuck feeling, knowing more is available and seemingly being unable to take the action. Negative self-talk may pop up, self-doubt, fear of change, fear of success, fear of getting the gig and then having no time for family or self… Any of this sound familiar? What to do?
First step is in recognizing that it’s happening. Once you know its familiar territory, recall you’ve been here before and the only way to go forward was through the uncomfortable part. Moving past the comfort zone is where new growth happens and that’s the part that moves your business forward.
The next thing you might like to try is leaning into your schedule. I’m a big believer in schedules. If you are ready to take your business from a hobby to a real business, your schedule is the one place you can really start to set up success habits and really see changes quickly. Scheduling a specific time to do something gives you the evidence, that you do have enough time. A well planned schedule gives you time to work on all your priorities and tracking allows you to clearly see where you are spending your time and what you have already made a priority, intentionally or not… laundry, or calling clients!?! 😉
When you are first starting to make a change to a new idea, new way of doing something, give yourself a break… the beginning is the hardest phase. It takes a LOT more fuel to get a plane to take off, than it does to keep it in the air or keep it on course. So if your schedule isn’t working for you, ask for support. I love working with work-at-home entrepreneurs designing strategies to help them be more efficient, focus on revenue generation and business growth.
Give yourself lots of support in the beginning of a new change or upgrade in your business. Plugging into an encouraging tribe who have been there and can show you the way, using the right tools and techniques and of course, working with a mentor you know, to get you off the ground and once the plane is moving, who can help you switch on the auto-pilot to keep it headed in the right direction.