Journaling is a form of self-reflection and a great way to explore the thoughts and feelings that we have. It is also a great way to process what has been happening in your life. Journaling can help us feel more comfortable with ourselves and our emotions, find insights about how we are feeling, understand what’s…
The Benefits of Gratitude
The positive effects of gratitude can be seen by how it increases the production of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that help regulate mood and happiness. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, improves sleep quality, reduces inflammation, boosts immunity, and more.
Gratitude can be expressed in many ways; from keeping a gratitude journal to practicing mindful meditation to writing thank you cards. All of these practices have been shown to provide significant benefits like increased happiness levels and lowered blood pressure.
What does ‘Mastery’ mean to you?
I was recently sent a book called Mastery by George Leonard, as preparation for The Big Shift Experience in San Francisco this past weekend… woohoo! For the event and the book. 😉 What a great little read – I devoured the book on the plane on the way over… the basic idea is that we…