Do you know what you want? Sounds like a simple enough question doesn’t it?
Sometimes, when you can choose
anything, or you don’t know where to start, it can seem like a big question!
If you want something can you also choose it cleanly? By this I mean does it conflict with anything else you want or believe?
Let me illustrate with a common desire I hear from my clients all the time.
“I want my business to earn 6-figs next year”. That’s a very specific, measurable goal to aim for. Great! So you start making a plan to reach that goal. You have very defined action steps to take each month and week, to reach that goal.
After a short time, you find yourself not at all motivated or resisting taking the action that you know it will take to reach 6-fig. You find yourself not responding to opportunities, you don’t know why you are not taking the actions you know will get you there… very frustrating for you and dents your confidence, brings up all sorts of uncertainties, doubt, and fear.
Upon closer examination with your coach, you uncover a belief; you believe that 6-fig business owners have to work all the time and do not have time for family. As a committed parent, this poses a dilemma for you. A conflict internally that you were not entirely aware of. In your brain, you cannot be a committed parent and a 6-fig business owner. In other words, your beliefs contradict each other and so you do not move closer to being a 6-fig business owner.
Once the conflict is discovered, you can address it in various ways. Self-reflection and inquiry into ‘Is it really true’, clearing to remove the conflict and adjusting your plan toward 6-fig, to now specifically include built-in parenting time and reassurance that you are still being a committed parent…
I find it’s very difficult to uncover your own internal belief systems, most of them are in your unconscious mind and invisible to you and play out in ways that sabotage your success. Working with a mindset coach is one way to make them visible and then address them.
It’s work I love to do! If this interests you and you’d like to know more, feel free to schedule a Clarity Session with me and we’ll see if coaching might be a good fit for you.
If you want to start with getting clear about what you want – I hope to see you at the Vision Board workshop – it’s a great place to allow your desires to be revealed and examine your beliefs about success.