I have definitely been quieter and more reflective these past few weeks… questioning my priorities, seeking inspiration, re-evaluating goals, health, time, energy, desires. It’s natural as something big shifts in your life, to feel unsafe, unsure, to question your life, your decisions and that’s where I have found myself. Most people who have suffered a loss undergo some type of re-evaluation of priorities.
My answers have been surfacing, while painting my office, during meditation, in the Akashic Records, in my journal, in conversations… clarity is appearing, slowly but surely. My priorities are shifting, the things I am willing to give my time and energy to, are being defined and designed and in due course, will be shared with you. It just hasn’t felt right to be sharing all that much, all that publicly… I hope you understand and I am grateful you are still with me… on the other end of my newsletter or FB group. Thanks so much for hanging with me during the marinading part of the journey. 🙂
I’m not going anywhere, but I am going to be much more intentional and purposeful about how I use my time and energy going forward and I’m sure some of that will show up in the offerings I create going forward. If you are not in my FB group, INHABIT SUCCESS LIFESTYLE, I invite you to join, as it will likely be where I share most often, most spontaneously and where I will create polls and get feedback on some of the new things as I create them. I am so grateful that you are here and a part of my world and community. I value our connection and communication greatly. If I can help, or you have questions, please reach out. I welcome the conversation.
In the meantime, as school winds down and summer is almost officially upon us, I wish you a wonderful, joy-filled summer. I hope to catch up with you in the facebook group, in your inbox, or even perhaps after the summer? xo