How joyful it is to see a woman, smiling from the inside and lit up with possibility!
- smell – incense, perfumed candle, essential oils
- sight – flowers, artwork, clutter-free spaces
- touch – conscious breath, movement, yoga, qi-gong, relaxing bath
- sound – music, dancing, chanting, listening to inspirational teachers
- taste – favorite tea and in moderation… dark chocolate!
- and of course combinations – candle-lit bath, diffused oils, playing music I enjoyed, while consciously breathing
Once your senses are engaged, you become present, you can take a moment to feel the sensations, feel the pleasure of enjoying them and be grateful for the moment. That is the perfect time to then journal desires, or daydream your perfect future, or imagine walking inside your vision board life… imagine yourself inhabiting your desired success, feeling fantastic in the energized body you are creating by working out, or getting to bed earlier, feel your confidence at speaking to groups, see yourself making the phone call and getting the new client… if you can see it, you can be it. I really believe that.
Of course, repeat often!